We have a habit of reheating the leftover food to eat it fresh again. However, this habit may lead to cause various health problems. Certain foods have tendency to turn toxic after reheating. Some of the major foods which you should never reheat are listed here.
● Rice
Reheating the rice may increase the number of bacteria in it, which produces after cooking it for the first time. This increased bacteria may also develop toxic in it.
● Eggs
Although egg is considered an complete food in itself, reheating eggs may cause the toxic effect in it, which may cause a lot of problems.
● Chicken
Reheating chicken on a high temperature may cause a lot of problems. To avoid this, you can reheat the chicken on low temperature for longer duration of time.
● Spinach
Spinach contains nitrates like any other leafy vegetable. Reheating spinach can cause the conversion of these nitrates into nitrites, which are considered as carcinogens.
● Turnips
Turnips, one of the famous food items which is used in making soups, contains nitrates. Reheating them may cause a lot of problems.
● Mushrooms
Mushrooms are rich in proteins and they are supposed to eat after cooking. However, reheating mushrooms can cause serious heart problems along with risks of digestive problems.
● Celery
Celery also contains nitrates, which can cause a lot of problems after reheating. Nitrites can cause problems in the capability of blood vessels to carry oxygen in the blood.
● Potato
Potato tend to lose all the nutritional value they carry after reheating. They can even become toxic and can cause nausea, illness as well as food poisoning.