Love & Romance ( Page 7 of 7 )

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Dear Whys Guy: “Why Won’t He Make a Move? October 01, 2011 10:24

Officials in Mexico City are considering a new way to address the city's high divorce rates: by making marriages temporary. Couples would be allowed to decide on the length of their marriage (minimum license: two…

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25 Dating Commandments For Strong Women October 01, 2011 10:24

Officials in Mexico City are considering a new way to address the city's high divorce rates: by making marriages temporary. Couples would be allowed to decide on the length of their marriage (minimum license: two…

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I do... for now? Mexico City considers temporary marriages October 01, 2011 10:20

Officials in Mexico City are considering a new way to address the city's high divorce rates: by making marriages temporary. Couples would be allowed to decide on the length of their marriage (minimum license: two…

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