Stop your spouse from straying September 02, 2013 11:40
Cheating is an awful thing! Yet most of us are tempted to do it - in real life, in the sun, in the shade, or on internet. With infidelity on rise, more and more couples…
Read MoreCheating through Facebook August 29, 2013 11:01
Just a couple of week ago, a class IX girl was reported missing by her NRI parents. On probe, the girl was discovered shopping in a mall, all set to elope with a 25-year-old man…
Read MoreDating after divorce - Here's how! August 22, 2013 12:06
Bachelorhood is one thing and dashing back into the dating game after having been to the altar once, is quite another. After all, all the stigmas and worries that there is very little to offer…
Read MoreRaksha Bandhan August 21, 2013 07:53
Raksha Bandhan is celebrated throught India and abroad by Indians with fervor. It is bond between sisters and brothers customarily renewed every year by tying Raksha Bandhan (Rakhi) on this day. Raksha means protection and…
Read MoreUnmanned aircraft for monitoring crops? August 17, 2013 06:41
Drones are frequently associated accompanying destructions in remote regions of Pakistan and Yemen yet in Peru, unmanned aircraft are being used to monitor crops as well as study ancient ruins. Forget Reapers and Predators -…
Read MoreWoof! Famous pets of famous owners August 16, 2013 08:54
Pets, lately, seem to be having the life we want for ourselves. Who doesn't want a warm cuddle and a lot of affectionate attention. Shsssh.... Don't say it out loud if you fear being branded…
Read MoreTips to make your blind date a success July 31, 2013 12:22
Blind dates can be precarious! But that shouldn't stop you from having fun. Just follow a few thumb rule and you will be good to go. To begin with, never ever give away your phone…
Read MoreMen love to gossip, it's proven July 29, 2013 12:51
If you thought that it was only the fairer sex who love to gossip, you couldn't be more sexist. In fact, our male counterparts equally enjoy an earful. Surprised? Read on. Yes, gossip isn't just…
Read MoreSelena Gomez Slow Down gets launched July 20, 2013 11:20
Ace Showbiz mentioned in a report that the Singer-actress Selena Gomez's full length music video of three-and-a-half minute accompanying the night scenery around Eiffel Tower in Paris as well as then sees her in a…
Read MoreHow to make your marriage work? July 17, 2013 12:55
There is no secret to a successful marriage. It's your effort that always make the big difference always. Hence, it's important to be aware of things that can topple your efforts and relationship. Below listed…
Read MoreTamara Ecclestone initiates hair care products in Dubai! June 17, 2013 10:41
Tamara Ecclestone daughter of F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone gushed into Dubai to launch her latest hair care products. Tamara Ecclestone was born in Milan to Formula 1 "supremo" Bernie Ecclestone, and former Armani model from…
Read MoreNo to wear without socks! June 12, 2013 06:43
A new research brought into prominence about the increasing trend of wearing loafers without socks furthering to cause foot fungal infection. Therefore, if you are planning to follow the current trend of wearing loafers without…
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