(Image source from: How To Do Dieting?})
We all know starchy carbs lead to weight gain if you want to lose weight, make it just one or even zero. Choose non-starchy vegetables, and high protein and low starch grains like rolled oats or quinoa as your main choice.
The fruits have many enrgy reason but it also leads to weight gain,all fruits have full vitamins and minerals that are excellent for you,but it lead belly boat when you eat more fruits.the reason is the fructose which is found in fruits.High fructose fruits should be avoided, while low fructose fruits can be eaten in small amounts.Low fructose fruits include raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, acai berries, goji berries, yellow bananas (not brown), papaya, and oranges.
Increse in lean protien will help in increase in weight loss and inmprove lean muscleProtein takes more metabolic work to digest than any other macronutrient, and the more your metabolism has to work, the better for your weight loss.
Never skip your meals while you are in weight loss,this will cause your insulin to spike which increases the cortisol in your body, leading to fat storage. Cortisol, your stress hormone, is the first hormone your body sends out when it senses its under stress, including when you’re hungry and your insulin surges.so eat when you are hungry.
While you are in dieting exercise is must and should to lose weight,thirty fouty minute execesie is required per day, Dont waste time by doing more to loose weightChoose cardio for quick weight loss, but add in strength training three times a week so you don’t lose lean muscle.
It might me difficult but avoid porcessd food.neat and with neat and clean food only possible to loose weight .Veggies, lean protein, and healthy fats don’t need marketing, so give them a try instead of all the processed stuff with weight loss claims all over it.
Plant based food is mostly friendly food possible loose wieght but eating plant food leaving you less hungry, and improve your quality of life as well.
AW: Arun Kumar