(Image source from: Ladies Here Are Few Cancer Symptoms You Must Know})
Any day, ‘Prevention is better than cure’. To prevent any disease you should first have enough awareness about them. This is simply true when it comes to cancer, because knowing the symptoms of cancer or preventive strategies and early detection can make you a cancer survivor as it aids in better treatment.
How can we reduce the risk of cancer in women?
Simple things in your hand to reduce the cancer risk come with healthy lifestyle. Factors that majorly increase the increase the cancer risk include exposure to radiation, smoking, alcohol and chronic infections. So it is obvious that you have to stay away from these cancer-provoking habits. Also diet and obesity are the other factors affecting the risk of the disease. So, keep a watch on your food habits and body weight keenly. Mammograms and pap smears aid in the screening of breast cancer and cervical. However, these are not answers to prevention of cancers.
Go through the list of some cancer symptoms and never overlook them
• Unexplained weight loss
• loss of appetite
• weakness or fatigue
• oral ulcer showing no sign of healing
• finding difficulty to swallow
• Swollen neck nodes
• nodes in underarms
• any abnormal swellings in the body
• lump in breast
• any discharge from nipple
• Long standing cough along with blood
• Bloating
• rectal bleeding
• Unusually heavy menstrual bleeding
• inter-menstrual bleeding
• abnormal per vaginum discharge
• post-coital bleeding
• blood in urine
• blood in faeces
In case you observe a frequent recurrence of any of these warning symptoms, do not dare to delay to visit your doctor. Wishing you a happy and healthy life!