It is important to eliminate all the waste from the body to keep yourself away from various health problems. Eating some foods help you in keeping your colon clean and removing all the dirt from your body through excretion. Some of the major foods which are helpful in making you poop are listed here.
● Oranages
Oranges contain vitamin C, fiber which is helpful in softening your stools and also works as an amazing laxative.
● Kefir
Kefir is rich in probiotics and therefore highly helpful in treating conditions such as constipation. It is also helpful in making the stools soft.
● Almonds
Almonds contain healthy fats, protein as well as fiber. It is also rich in magnesium, which is helpful in moving the stools in the intestines.
● Black beans
Black beans is rich in magnesium, fiber as well as potassium which is helpful in smooth functioning of the digestive system.
● Prunes
Along with sorbitol, sugar which provides laxative effect, it also contains dihydroxyphenyl isatin, which is helpful in stimulating bowel.
● Green leafy vegetables
Almost all the green leafy vegetables are rich in fiber, magnesium as well as potassium. All these are helpful in regulating the fluid balance in the body.
● Raspberries
Raspberries are filled with fiber more than strawberries. These strawberries are highly helpful in moving the stools through the digestive system.
● Coffee or tea
Coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which is helpful in providing the effect of pooping in around 30% people in the morning.