(Image source from: Kissing benefits})
Kissing is most beautiful way to express your love, there are diffrent ways of kissing which depends whom you are kissing, there are some things about the kissing which you should actually know,they are:
The act of kissing is good for you,kissing is good for helath in various ways like its improves our skin,helps in circulation,prevent tooth decay and can relive headache.
Just a quick peck uses of only two musceles a good french take uses 34 muscles,its romantic but it burns of 5 colories,its like a workout,if you do it for one minte you will burn 26 calories,Kiss for an hour and you can stop going to the gym with taht you will burn about 1,560 calories!
Kissing is like a drug,endorphins released whn you kiss is 200 times more powerful than the drug effects of morphine. when you have a powerful medicine why to waste money to get satisfy for illigal drugs.
Kiss can be called as germ city.One kiss can pass 278 types bacteria,a long kis leaves you 10 millon bactirium,so please keep kissing one person who regularly bush.
A dangerous thing about kiss has is it can communicate diseases,if you both have gum diseasse then it will spread more fastly through human blood ,so think it off.
Kiss has a science of study called philematology.it focus on kissing and what it means in various culture.there is also term for fear of kiss is Philemaphobia .Philemaphobia varies in severity from those who have a mild fear of kissing due to inexperience or those who have a severe fear due to a fear of germs.
The lips are most sensitive areas of our body,you moight be wonder why we tend to kiss this is because the high noumber receptors they have.
Kissing is good for teeth,both kissing increase saliva your mouth which is great for teeth,saliva helps to wash away bacteria from your teeth.
Facial muscle are used while kissing,so it shoudnt be surpeising that kissing help us to look young,kissing help the cheeks from sagging,if want to look younger shower your love with kiss.
AW: Arun Kumar