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  • google, google ceo job posting, is google looking to replace indian origin ceo sundar pichai linkedin job posting leaves users in shock, Job postings

    Is Google Looking to Replace Indian Origin CEO Sundar Pichai? LinkedIn Job Posting Leaves Users in Shock 2019-07-30 05:19:00

    A LinkedIn post left millions of people in shock that hinted search engine giant Google is looking to replace its Indian origin Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sundar Pichai. Microsoft-owned professional networking platform posted a job opening for the CEO post...

    Keywords: google, google ceo sundar pichai, sundar pichai, google ceo job posting

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    Instagram, Kevin Systrom, instagram co founders to step down from company, Job postings

    Instagram Co-Founders to Step Down from Company 2018-09-25 07:01:45

    Facebook-owned Instagram co-founders Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom have stepped down from photo-sharing app that has more than one billion users.According to a report in The New York Times late on Monday, the co-founders have resigned from their positions and...

    Keywords: Instagram co-founders resign, Instagram Co-Founders, Mike Krieger, Instagram co-founders resign

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    Indians in US, US jobs on, the desire to work in the united states is still an unbroken quirk for indian techies, Job postings

    The Desire to Work in the United States Is Still an Unbroken Quirk for Indian Techies 2019-06-06 08:38:44

    The harsh rules on work visas proposed by the Trump administration are apparently is not refraining Indian techies from showing interest to enter the United States. A recent data by revealed that between April 1, 2018, and March 31,...

    Keywords: data, working in the usa from uk, Indian techies, Indians in US

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    Facebook, ACLU, aclu sues facebook over discriminatory job postings, Job postings

    ACLU Sues Facebook over Discriminatory Job Postings 2018-09-19 08:39:44

    Facebook became involved in another controversy Tuesday after American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) accused social media giant on behalf of three women job seekers of posting advertisements that are shown only to men.The ACLU, along with the Communications Workers of...

    Keywords: American Civil Liberties Union, American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union

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