It is difficult to provide universal organizing tips that solve real organizing challenges. The problem with providing generic organizing tips like many of those you’ll find out there is that everyone has a different organizing style. If you first figure out what organizing style you have, you will have a better idea about the organizing tips that will help you.
Anyone who tells you that there is only one right way to organize is wrong. There are as many organizing styles as there are people on the planet. Here are a few organizing tips for making the most of your own personal preferences…
Create The Right Kind Of Storage
The game hide-and-seek is a perfect metaphor for the way that people like to store their belongings. “Hiders” can’t stand to see anything sitting out – the desk or countertop must be clear before they can concentrate.
Organizing tips for “hiders”:
Look for opaque and enclosed storage solutions – like file wallets and pockets. Subdividing your files and drawers into smaller sections using guides or classification folders will also help keep your hiding places better organized.
“Seekers,” on the other hand, tend to panic when things are hidden away. They are afraid that if they can’t see it, they will forget about it (and if it’s a to-do, forget to take care of it in time).
Organizing tips for “seekers”:
You can get rid of the piles by using open storage tools – clear plastic containers and folder file crates instead of drawers, shelves instead of closed cabinets. Just be careful about having too much stuff out all the time – see if you’re comfortable putting things that you rarely use in closed storage.
Understand Your Work Style
“Chunkers” like to commit a lengthy period of time to one project – they really know how to focus, and may not look up from their work all day long.
Organizing tips for “chunkers”:
The challenge for chunkers is to avoid outside interruptions – it’s okay to let your calls go to voice mail and shut your office door. Just be sure to maintain a little balance in your day – schedule stretch breaks, make time to return phone calls, and don’t forget to eat lunch!
“Bursters” are the exact opposite – they prefer to spend a little time on this project and a little time on that one, hopping back and forth and multi-tasking as the mood strikes.
Organizing tips for “bursters”:
Bursters can be unbelievably productive, if they set some boundaries around their time. Try to limit the number of tasks you’re working on so you can actually finish all of them on schedule – and make sure you spend your day on high-priority, high-payoff items rather than time-wasters.
Tackle Your To Dos
Do you prefer to start your work day with something easy or a challenge?
Organizing tips for an easy start to the day.
Some folks find that knocking off five or six quick to-do’s gives them a sense of forward momentum and accomplishment. But it can be easy to procrastinate on the bigger, scarier tasks – try breaking a difficult job down into several smaller steps and tackling a few of those.
Organizing tips for the “dive right in” approach to the day.
Others prefer to cross the hardest item off the list first, so the rest of the day is a breeze. But you may find yourself surrounded by “crises” because a lot of small fires started while you were focused on the big picture. Be sure to build in regular weekly admin time for keeping those more mundane items under control, before they turn into a bigger challenge than necessary.
All of these organizing tips are great solutions to very real challenges. We hope that you found at least one organizing tip to take away with you today.
Source: Smead