(Image source from: Be yourself)
It is true that we live in a society that favors uniformity and many find it hard to display their individuality. How many times have you nodded along with a group of friends or colleagues just to fit in? Numerous time, we're sure. Here, we simplify how to get someone to notice you in a crowd.
Being a cut above the rest does not only involve looking good, but feeling confident too. It is the way you feel about yourself that matters the most. No, we are not endorsing overconfidence. We are only emphasizing the importance of putting your best foot forward.
Most people who stand out are not particularly attractive. They are striking to the eye for some unfathomable reason. A possible reason for that is an aura of intelligence around them. This point particularly applies to women to 'dumb' themselves down to keep their spouses happy. Do not bring yourself down to make another person feel better about themselves. Be wise, intelligent and humble. Deadly combination we say!
Be someone who is worthy of inspiration. Do things that generate admiration, as this will also make you feel happy in the long run, increasing your confidence. Stand up to what you believe in. Be the agent of change that you blame others for.
Think from the other person's perspective before jumping to conclusions. People who look at the big picture are unconsciously sought and looked up to for leadership. Also, wearing clothes that fit you well and make you comfortable in your own skin is a huge plus. The trick is to look comfortable and serene.
Practice good manners, keep your posture straight and speak your mind. People will look up and listen. Fight for your rights, but not at the cost of someone's feelings. Take risks for yourself and form your own opinions about the world. Do not follow someone blindly without checking the facts.
Be attentive to others and compliment them often, but do what you say you will do. A dependable person is definitely, in recent times, a cut above the rest.
(AW: Sruthi)