Is world going to run out of chocolate ?Top Stories

November 19, 2014 07:14

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The world’s largest chocolate maker, Mars Inc., says we’re moving towards a situation where chocolate could cease to exist

its not meant that by that date it will diminsh but they mean to say  mark clendars for that date right after  we’re running out of chocolate.

Due to deficts have become norms reason to hit longest deficit in 50 years not only the industry is facing problems terms of growth.

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans which we can grow, and perhaps there are bad times ahead in terms of growing cocoa beans, but “running out of chocolate

Farmers are just not growing enough cocoa to satisfy our chocolate cravings because they can make more money growing other crops like corn, a staple food rather than a luxury food.

In 2013 the world eat 70,000 metric tons more coca  which were able to produced  now its in not in demand Because of disease, drought, rapacious new markets and the displacement of cacao by more-productive crops such as corn and rubber, demand is expected to outstrip supply by an additional 1 million tons every decade for the foreseeable future.

There is also a talk that the there is an agricultural research group in Central Africa developing trees that could produce seven times the coca beans as a regular tree.though there will be not aproper taste, it will be seen after tasting it,so dont worry ,some of the low candy companies switch to chocolate substitutes and high-end chocolate makers will raise their prices.

(AW: Arun Kumar)

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