New York Governor estimates 40-80% of the state will be infected with coronavirus
March 23, 2020 05:30
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With the constant rise in the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the USA, the New York governor estimates that the virus might end up infecting 40-80% of the residents of the state.
The number of total cases in the United States has already crossed 34,000 cases with the death toll at 450+. Out of all the confirmed cases, half of the cases were reported in New York state.
Addressing this consistent rise in the number of cases in the state, Governor Andrew Cuomo stated saying, “All we're trying to do is slow the spread, but it will spread. It is that contagious.” He stated saying that he believes that most of the infected individuals will be cured gradually unless they are old or immuno compromised.
Dr. James Phillips, a CNN medical analyst and assistant professor of emergency medicine at The George Washington University also agreed with the estimate of the governor, believing that further testing could cause a surge in the number of confirmed cases in the state.
Further addressing that, Phillips stated saying, “We've actually been concerned about that on a countrywide level for months. We've discussed this, we've seen the modeling, we know how these diseases spread and a lot of it depends on our own responsibility and social distancing.”
Currently, New York is on complete lockdown to further prevent the cases of community spread and keep the numbers from drastic rise and to flatten the curve so everyone gets necessary treatment options.
By Somapika Dutta