Search Results On breast feeding (Page 1 of 2)

breast feeding (Page 1 of 2)

  • Contaminated Breast Milk, Purchased Breast milk, life risk from breast milk bought online, Breast feeding

    Life Risk from Breast Milk Bought Online ! 2015-03-26 10:32:52

    It is good to feed the infants with mother milk through breast feeding, but in some cases mothers cannot feed their babies with their milk. The disadvantaged women go for purchasing the breast milk to supplement the nutrition level to...

    Keywords: unsafe Breast milk, Contaminated Breast Milk, Online Breast Milk, Online Breast Milk

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    pregnancy, breast feeding, problem not to be neglected, Breast feeding

    Problem not to be neglected 2014-11-03 05:38:53

    Resons for Breast pain: Stress levels are also linked to your hormones and fluctuations in hormone levels may be more severe if you are suffering from high levels of stress during menopause. Tea, coffee, soda, medication and chocolate are five...

    Keywords: Menstruation, caffeine, Menstruation, breast feeding

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    NEC in Babies, Pre-mature babies, breast milk protects premature babies, Breast feeding

    Breast Milk Protects Premature Babies! 2015-04-23 10:50:34

    Pre-term babies are having higher chances of developing diseases as their immunity power will be low when compared to the full-term babies. Among the possible diseases necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a devastating intestinal disorder can be ward off by mother’s breast...

    Keywords: NEC in Babies, Congenitive diseases, Congenitive diseases, NEC in Babies

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    Breast Feeding rules, Breast Feeding and immunity levels, longer time of breast feeding makes the baby intelligent, Breast feeding

    Longer time of Breast Feeding makes the baby Intelligent 2015-03-18 11:02:55

    There are ample of benefits from the mother milk to the baby. The immunity power and mineral intake can be ensured with appropriate quantity of mother milk (breast feeding) at regular intervals. The recent report of a study gives additional...

    Keywords: Breast Feeding helps in better health to children, Breast Feeding helps in better health to children, Breast Feeding rules, Breast Feeding and Child memory

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    weight gain pregnancy, lifestyle of the woman, baby care includes the lifestyle of mothers, Breast feeding

    Baby care, includes the lifestyle of mothers 2015-02-03 12:24:34

    A research found that the lifestyle of the woman at conceiving will affect the kids’ health and obesity levels. According to the study the health and lifestyle factors of mothers even before the conception can have effect on the physical...

    Keywords: weight at pregnancy, woman at conceiving, woman at conceiving, weight at pregnancy

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    hong kong breastfeeding, covid-19, mothers come together to rally for breast milk donations, Breast feeding

    Mothers come together to rally for breast milk donations 2020-04-29 09:47:09

    When Catherine Kosasih was taken out of her apartment in Hong Kong by medics in protective gear, she didn’t know when she would get to see her children again. She has two kids, one four month and one 21 months...

    Keywords: breast feeding, hong kong breastfeeding, hong kong breastfeeding, catherine kosashi

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