Search Results On bronx zoo

bronx zoo

  • bronx zoo, bronx zoo, bronx zoo tiger nadia the first animal tested positive for covid 19, Bronx zoo

    Bronx Zoo Tiger, Nadia The First Animal Tested Positive For Covid-19 2020-04-07 13:29:27

    While prior tentative reports and researchers showed that animals are not at risk of contracting the novel coronavirus, a new report from the Bronx Zoo suggests that one of their tigers named Nadia is the first to contract the disease.The...

    Keywords: nadia, novel coronavirus, nadia, bronx zoo

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    coronavirus, pet cats, two pet cats in new york test positive for covid 19, Bronx zoo

    Two pet cats in New York test positive for Covid-19 2020-04-23 09:12:47

    Two cats in New York are the first reported pets to have been tested positive for the novel coronavirus. These are the first reported cases of pets getting infected in the United States, as per the reports from the federal...

    Keywords: new york, pet cats, covid-19, coronavirus

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