Search Results On englishman


  • Travancore royal family, Temple treasure, temple chambers last opened in 1931, Englishman

    Temple chambers last opened in 1931 2011-07-08 09:17:07

    (The following is the reproduction of an informative article published in the leading English daily the Hindu on the discovery of the huge gold treasure in the Sree Ananthapadmanabha Swamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala.) Reports in 'The Hindu', and...

    Keywords: Temple treasure, gold treasure, King Marthanda Varma, King Marthanda Varma

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    khajuraho, History Of Khajuraho, history of khajuraho, Englishman

    History Of Khajuraho 2013-08-13 12:50:25

    India is a fascinating country with each of its cities boasting of spellbinding tales of its past, buttressed by perplex writings on ancient palm leaves and its mythical chronicles that are still a mystery to human minds. The history of...

    Keywords: Khajuraho story, History Of Khajuraho, Khajuraho story, khajuraho

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    , inception, michael caine s father thought he was gay, Englishman

    Michael Caine's father thought he was "gay" 2013-05-09 12:38:44

    Michael Caine is one of the manliest actors that we know today in Hollywood with several breathtaking performances. He is an academy award-winning actor with two Oscars for the best supporting actor in 1986 and 1999 for Hannah and her...

    Keywords: academy awards, michael caine gay, oscar award, inception

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    egyptian hieroglyphics, earliest form of writing, earliest form of writing in egypt, Englishman

    Earliest form of writing in Egypt 2013-08-16 10:15:03

    What's Hieroglyphics? As we all knew, English has 26 characters (called letters) that are made up into words and then into sentences. Ancient Egyptians had more than 2,000 characters, which they called hieroglyphics which are common object like - a...

    Keywords: jean francios champollion., egyptian writing, first alphabet, first alphabet

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    wives, men jokes, the last meal, Englishman

    The Last Meal 2013-05-28 07:02:42

    There was an Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman working on the top of a cliff. The Englishman said, "If I have cheese in my sandwich tomorrow, I'll jump off this cliff." The Scotsman said, "If I have jam in...

    Keywords: top of a cliff, men jokes, jokes & laughs, top of a cliff

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    englishman of indian heritage, national news update, champions india celebrates victory icc champions trophy 2013, Englishman

    Champions India celebrates victory ICC Champions Trophy 2013! 2013-06-24 05:10:52

    England known to have undergone distress of a cricketing suffocation of larger-than-life proportions to fall back yet in another global final of ICC Champions Trophy 2013. Not even a step-down to a Twenty20 defeat thoroughly instead of a full 50-over...

    Keywords: champions india glorifies their victory in icc champions trophy 2013, indian heritage, icc champions trophy final, ms dhoni

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