Search Results On global development (Page 1 of 3)

global development (Page 1 of 3)

  • strain, coronavirus, not enough mutants in coronavirus in india to inflict concern, Global development

    Not enough mutants in coronavirus in India to inflict concern 2020-04-18 06:31:12

    A study that was conducted with a sample from January 2020 by the researchers from the Murdoch University and I-Shou University found that the sample collected from Kerala did show significant mutations in the novel coronavirus strain. Addressing that, the...

    Keywords: covid-19, coronavirus, mutants, coronavirus

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    Mukherjee, Aadhar for banking, aadhar verdict balanced govt needs to pass privacy law u s experts, Global development

    Aadhar Verdict Balanced, Govt. Needs to Pass Privacy Law: U.S. Experts 2018-09-27 09:44:59

    A day after Aadhar verdict in India, the United States based experts said that Supreme Court's verdict has struck a balance between the need for a foundational identity and measures to bound its use, but stressed that the government at...

    Keywords: Aadhar Verdict, US Experts, Mukherjee, Aadhar card

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    Modi care, Ayushman Bharat in India, modi care or ayushman bharat significant step towards universal health coverage in india american think tank, Global development

    ‘Modi Care’ or Ayushman Bharat Significant Step Towards Universal Health Coverage in India: American Think-Tank 2019-05-13 09:23:55

    Ayushman Bharat, India’s ambitious health insurance scheme marks a significant step towards universal health coverage but the government should see to it that it is sustainable and delivers the high-quality care that Indians require, a top American think-tank said Friday....

    Keywords: researchers about modi care, researchers about Ayushman Bharat, researchers about modi care, modi care in India

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    US, US ranking, u s ranks near bottom on commitment to development, Global development

    U.S. Ranks Near Bottom on Commitment to Development 2018-09-18 10:59:49

    The United States, the world's most developed country, ranks near the bottom of an index which ranks 27 of the world's richest countries on their dedication to policies that benefit people living in the poorer nations. The poor performance by...

    Keywords: security and trade, Commitment to Development Index, US ranking, security and trade

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    ivanka trump education, ivanka trump children, trump to introduce plan to help bring economic security to women globally, Global development

    Trump to Introduce Plan to Help Bring Economic Security to Women Globally 2019-02-07 12:50:58

    President Donald Trump will introduce an initiative on Thursday called ‘Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative’ that will seek to help bring economic security to 50 million women across the world by the year 2025. The initiative will draw from...

    Keywords: ivanka trump instagram, ivanka trump clothing, Trump, ivanka trump children

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    types of economic empowerment, women economic empowerment programs in India, u s govt announces women economic empowerment programs in india, Global development

    U.S. Govt. Announces Women Economic Empowerment Programs in India 2019-02-08 10:17:27

    In a bid to economically empower 50 million women across the world, the Trump administration has announced that it will launch two projects in India in partnership with the private sector. The initiative will be led by the senior adviser...

    Keywords: United states, women's economic empowerment statistics in india, women empowerment, women's empowerment statistics in india

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