Search Results On indian researchers

indian researchers

  • three massive black holes latest, UVIT, indian researchers discover three massive black holes, Indian researchers

    Indian Researchers Discover three Massive Black Holes 2021-08-28 09:16:29

    The Indian researchers discovered three massive black holes in three galaxies and they are found to be merging together to form a triple active galactic nucleus. This research also revealed that small merging groups can form ideal laboratories to detect...

    Keywords: Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope, Active Galactic Nuclei, three massive black holes breaking news, NGC7734

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    bats, research, study shows coronavirus presence in two indian bats icmr study, Indian researchers

    Study shows coronavirus presence in two Indian bats: ICMR Study 2020-04-16 06:42:00

    While researchers are consistently working day in and day out to find a legitimate vector for the novel coronavirus, there has been no significant breakthrough yet. Indian researchers have come across a new type of coronavirus, the bat coronavirus in...

    Keywords: nipah virus, research, bats, pandemic

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