Search Results On land mines

land mines

  • UN Global Advocate for the Elimination of Mines and Explosive Hazards, Elimination of Mines from world, james bond became u n global advocate, Land mines

    James Bond became U.N. Global Advocate! 2015-04-15 11:50:44

    Hollywood superstar Daniel Craig became the first U.N. Global Advocate for the Elimination of Mines and Explosive Hazards on Tuesday. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed James Bond star for this mission of saving earth, and he thanked Craig for his commitment...

    Keywords: Elimination of Mines from world, Elimination of Mines from world, Daniel Craig and Ban Ki-moon, Elimination of Mines from world

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    Pol Pot, Pol Pot, rats trained to hunt out land mines, Land mines

    Rats Trained To Hunt Out Land Mines 2015-07-03 10:05:16

    Pol Pot, the notorious leader of the Khmer Rouge, used land mines as his "Perfect soldiers." The Cambodian countryside is littered with millions of these explosives and more than 63,000 people have been killed or badly injured in mine-related accidents....

    Keywords: APOPO, Land mines, Pol Pot, APOPO

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