Search Results On make in india (Page 1 of 4)

make in india (Page 1 of 4)

  • production linked incentives (PLI), production linked incentives (PLI), government may unveil rs 36 000 cr plan to get more phones made in india, Make in india

    Government may Unveil Rs 36,000 cr plan to get more Phones Made in India 2020-01-16 11:43:41

    A Rs 36,000 crore fund may be unveiled by the federal government for providing the production linked incentives (PLI) to the smart phone makers in order to wean high-end digital manufacturing away from China and Vietnam to India in the...

    Keywords: smart phones, federal government, manufacturers, manufacturers

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    Mangalyaan-2, Mars, mangalyaan 2 a mission to mars, Make in india

    Mangalyaan-2: A Mission to Mars 2024-06-08 13:46:51

    After the historic success of Mangalyaan, the Indian Space Research Organization (Isro) is gearing up to return to Mars with an even bigger, bolder and more daring mission. Building on the success of the Mars Rover Mission, also known as...

    Keywords: Mangalyaan-2 latest updates, Mangalyaan-2, Mangalyaan-2 key factors, Mangalyaan

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    USA Immigration Policy breaking news, USA Immigration Policy breaking news, outdated immigration policies make indians prefer canada over usa, Make in india

    Outdated Immigration Policies make Indians prefer Canada over USA 2021-07-19 10:19:54

    Talented Indians are flying all over the globe and are making their impact in various fields. A lot of Indians are now opting for Canada instead of the United States because of the outdated H-1B visa policy. USA happened to...

    Keywords: USA Immigration Policy updates, USA Immigration Policy latest, USA Immigration Policy updates, USA Immigration Policy

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    china’s export destination, Niti Aayog to china businesses, niti aayog urges chinese businesses to make india export destination, Make in india

    Niti Aayog Urges Chinese Businesses to Make India Export Destination 2019-09-10 06:50:35

    The Vice-Chairman of Niti Aayog, a policy think tank of Government of India, on Monday called on Chinese business to look at India as an export destination from where they can sell their products to different countries. Rajiv Kumar, at...

    Keywords: niti aayog, niti aayog, niti aayog, china’s export destination

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    Narayana Murthy statement, Narayana Murthy 70 hours work, narayana murthy explains why he wants 70 hour workweek, Make in india

    Narayana Murthy explains why he wants 70-Hour Workweek 2024-12-16 08:04:56

    Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy has defended his statement about working 70 hours a week, once again. During his visit to Kolkata, which he described as the most cultured place in India, Murthy said young people need to understand that they...

    Keywords: Narayana Murthy, Narayana Murthy latest, Narayana Murthy breaking news, Narayana Murthy latest

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    India’s GDP breaking news, India’s GDP breaking news, india s gdp set to double to 7 trillion usd, Make in india

    India’s GDP set to double to 7 trillion USD 2024-09-21 10:58:03

    India's nominal GDP is expected to nearly double from $3.6 trillion in 2023-24 to over $7 trillion in 2030-31, according to SandP Global Market Intelligence forecasts. This would make India the world's third-largest economy, increasing its share of global GDP...

    Keywords: India’s GDP updates, India’s GDP breaking updates, India’s GDP, India’s GDP latest

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