Search Results On monogamous


  • monogamous, Open relationships, open relationships are just as happy as couples, Monogamous

    Open relationships are just as happy as couples 2017-04-04 12:26:12

    According to a new study, by the University of Michigan, United States found that people, who are in open or polyamorous relationships report being just as satisfied as those in monogamous pairings. The study coined that, while monogamy is widely...

    Keywords: Open relationships, University of Michigan, Open relationships are just as happy as couples, polyamorous

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    turn on Snuggle cable for sex, Baby-sitter on tv channel, switch on the television for better sex, Monogamous

    Switch on the television for better sex 2011-12-24 06:06:42

    While many advocate staying away from the television set for a better social life, don't believe everything you hear. There are ways in which the no-so-idiot box can enhance your sex life and also play a supporting role in it....

    Keywords: turn on Snuggle cable for sex, Spice TV to turn on for sex, Baby-sitter on tv channel, Spice TV to turn on for sex

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    Sexual Health videos, Sexual Health advice, tips and strategies to improve sexual health, Monogamous

    Tips and Strategies to Improve Sexual Health 2024-09-03 05:56:58

    Sexual health is an important aspect of overall well-being, but is often overlooked or neglected in discussions about health and well-being. Improving sexual health goes beyond treating physical problems. It also includes mental, emotional and relational aspects. By prioritizing open...

    Keywords: Sexual Health management, Sexual Health experts, Sexual Health advice, Sexual Health for men

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    Tips for better sex, Life partner tips, how to have more than one lover, Monogamous

    How To Have More Than One Lover 2012-01-14 08:38:54

    Okay, okay, traditionally, everyone has or wants that one special someone to go home to and play kissyface with. But what if you’re just not a one-person woman? People may pretend it’s a big deal, but really, it’s okay. The...

    Keywords: Relationship tips, Life partner tips, Sex and Relationship, Life partner tips

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    researcher Kristen Mark, Women worry about ability, worry about their ability to stay aroused and orgasm, Monogamous

    Worry about their ability to stay aroused and orgasm 2012-02-20 13:58:21

    Anxiety related to sexual performance and a lack of concern about the consequences such as pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases make both men and women more likely to cheat on their partners, a new study has found. Women who worry about...

    Keywords: new study, researcher Kristen Mark, researcher Kristen Mark, new study

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