Search Results On older people (Page 1 of 4)

older people (Page 1 of 4)

  • Osteoporosis symptoms, Osteoporosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, Older people

    Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis 2024-07-17 14:57:09

    Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become brittle and prone to breaking. If left untreated, the disease worsens over time and is sometimes called a “silent disease” because no symptoms appear until a fracture occurs. When this condition...

    Keywords: Osteoporosis breaking news, Osteoporosis treatment, Osteoporosis news, Osteoporosis prevention

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    Heart Stroke warning signs tips, Heart Stroke warning signs latest breaking, silent warning signs of stroke you shouldn t ignore, Older people

    Silent warning signs of Stroke you shouldn’t Ignore 2024-12-17 15:08:31

    Recently, young people in their 20s and 30s are suffering from strokes (a disease that often affects older people). An unhealthy lifestyle, chronic stress and the increasing prevalence of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes among young people...

    Keywords: Heart Stroke warning signs, Heart Stroke signs, Heart Stroke warning signs tips, Heart Stroke warning signs medication

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    Loneliness Epidemic experts, Loneliness Epidemic articles, all about loneliness epidemic, Older people

    All about Loneliness Epidemic 2024-10-03 14:57:17

    In the age of technological communication, millions of people of all ages struggle with loneliness. More and more people are experiencing social isolation due to factors such as the death of a loved one, changes in family structure, the shrinking...

    Keywords: Loneliness Epidemic news, Loneliness Epidemic experts, Loneliness Epidemic solutions, Loneliness Epidemic articles

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    Vitamin D Supplements news, Vitamin D Supplements latest breaking, why should you take vitamin d supplements, Older people

    Why should you take Vitamin D Supplements? 2024-08-06 07:51:34

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for functions such as maintaining healthy bones and teeth, supporting the immune system, brain and nervous system health, and regulating insulin levels. Our bodies produce vitamin D when we are exposed...

    Keywords: Vitamin D Supplements, Vitamin D Supplements benefits, Vitamin D Supplements, Vitamin D Supplements latest breaking

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    Mental Health Challenges breaking updates, Mental Health Challenges research, understanding mental health challenges facing your elderly parents, Older people

    Understanding Mental Health Challenges Facing Your Elderly Parents 2024-10-14 14:57:03

    As mental health problems increase worldwide, it becomes important to address these problems and find effective solutions. While mental health problems are on the rise among the youth in India, it is important to recognize that the elderly are also...

    Keywords: Mental Health Challenges breaking news, Mental Health Challenges, Mental Health Challenges breaking news, Mental Health Challenges research

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    Cow Milk India, Cow Milk good for health, ten health benefits of consuming cow milk, Older people

    Ten Health Benefits of Consuming Cow Milk 2024-10-19 09:20:33

    Milk is a nutritious milk produced by cows and has been a staple food for humans for centuries. It is known to be rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, protein, vitamins (such as B12 and D) and minerals. Milk...

    Keywords: Cow Milk Consumption, Cow Milk latest, Cow Milk health benefits, Cow Milk latest

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