Preschoolers Served with Cleaning Liquid to Drink Instead of Apple Juice 2018-12-04 06:40:37
The young children in a preschool in Hawaii were served Pine-Sol, a liquid that is used for cleaning household products instead of apple juice drink during a morning snack time, a mistake that health officials said happened because the two...
Keywords: report, school, preschool, Hawaii school
Read MoreHow Much Sleep You Require Depends Upon Your Age 2016-12-17 09:14:01
Sleep is very important aspect for humans, after a long day from work, you need to rest your body and how much sleep you require, depends upon your age. There is no perfect sleep duration that can fit every person,...
Keywords: age, perfect sleep duration, Sleep required depends upon, perfect sleep duration
Read MoreWould your 4-year-old say no to drugs? 2013-07-11 07:58:49
Would your child know how to respond if he was offered pot? After all, not many of us think about talking to our preschoolers about identifying and saying no to drugs. Countless parents send their 4-year-olds off to school each...
Keywords: saying no Drugs, preschoolers, 4 years old off, saying no Drugs
Read MoreWould your 4-year-old say no to drugs? 2012-02-16 11:32:22
Would your child know how to respond if he was offered pot? After all, not many of us think about talking to our preschoolers about identifying and saying no to drugs. Countless parents send their 4-year-olds off to school each...
Keywords: clinical psychologist, 4 years old off, clinical psychologist, parenting
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