Search Results On promoting peace

promoting peace

  • New and Renewable Energy Minister, Farooq Abdullah, urging for harmonious relations, Promoting peace

    Urging for harmonious relations 2013-09-23 07:18:03

    Excitingly New and Renewable Energy Minister Farooq Abdullah during Sunday expressed that  "True religion always unites and never divides humankind," at a function organised by the Brahma Kumaris institution in Delhi. Abdullah said that unfortunately religions are being used today...

    Keywords: cooperation in society, harmony, Urging for harmonious relations, harmony

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    Association for the Furtherance of Peace, Bahrain’s Prince, bahrain s prince khalifa receives flame of peace award, Promoting peace

    Bahrain’s Prince Khalifa receives Flame of Peace Award 2016-04-01 10:56:14

    Bahrain’s Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa has received the ‘Flame of Peace’ Award. He has become the first Arab prime minister to receive the honor, granted by the Association for the Furtherance of Peace. Archduchess Herta Margarete, the president...

    Keywords: Bahrain’s Prince, Association for the Furtherance of Peace, ‘Flame of Peace’ Award, Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa

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