Search Results On quit facebook

quit facebook

  • most popular apps for teenagers, most popular social media apps 2017, youngsters are now ditching social media apps for all the weighty reasons, Quit facebook

    Youngsters Are Now Ditching Social Media Apps for All the Weighty Reasons 2019-06-08 07:06:52

    Despite India emerging as the largest open internet market in the world, a growing number of youngsters are deleting their social media accounts and shying away from installing these apps on their smartphones. Indians downloaded about 4.8 billion applications in...

    Keywords: dangers of social media for youth, Social Media Apps, most popular apps for teenagers, social media

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    social networking site, facebook, facebook losing competition to whatsapp and snapchat, Quit facebook

    Facebook losing competition to WhatsApp and Snapchat 2014-01-16 07:35:36

    Over the past three years, a shocking11million teens and college goers have quit Facebook. Ask why? Well, it seems the young brigade are losing interest in Facebook as they feel messaging apps like WhatsApp and Snapchat are more private. As...

    Keywords: twitter, snapchat, social networking site, snapchat

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    study, study, study says staying out of facebook makes you happier, Quit facebook

    Study Says, Staying Out Of Facebook Makes You Happier 2015-11-14 12:43:41

    A Denmark-based study conducted by Happiness Research Institute has revealed that quitting Facebook can make you happy. The study found that people who abstained from the social networking website felt more enthusiastic, less lonely, less worried and more decisive.A total...

    Keywords: Facebook, study, study, study

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