Search Results On real funny jokes

real funny jokes

  • unique wallpaper, Girls at home, life of a single woman, Real funny jokes

    Life of a single Woman? 2011-10-27 04:26:33

    Please, do not think that I would again start off with the ‘gyan’ like any other about the measures and safety tips that single Woman should follow. In this context, I am talking about those entire women who are living...

    Keywords: Girls at home, Bangalore news, latest movie trailers, Kannada movies

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    telugu cinema websites, telugu videos, beetroot pickle, Real funny jokes

    Beetroot Pickle 2011-08-30 04:45:48

    Ingredients : 2 to 3 nos beetroot 2 tbsp vinegar Salt to taste5-10 green chillies 5 methi seeds 5 mustard seeds 1 tbsp asafetodia Chiilli powder as per taste2 tbsp oil Method : Cut Beetroot & chillies into small pieces add salt and keep aside.Fry mustard...

    Keywords: horoscope, movie actresses photos, jokes, top political news

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    live news, telugu videos, commissioner to decongest city, Real funny jokes

    Commissioner to decongest city 2011-09-03 12:46:30

    The Commissioner, Mr B. Ramanjaneyulu, held a high-level meeting with his officials on Friday and issued directions so as to decongest the city within a short period. The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation is going all out to regulate the traffic...

    Keywords: live news, real funny jokes, hot picture of the day, hmtv live

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