Single women happier than single men? 2013-09-25 12:58:57
In a perfect world, every man and woman are united with their soul mates. In an imperfect, uncertain world, most people are single and some more are married to the wrong people. Couples who found passionate, eternal love are a...
Keywords: single men, advantages of being single, men after divorce, Singletons
Read MoreSingle women happier than single men? 2013-09-25 13:02:05
In a perfect world, every man and woman are united with their soul mates. In an imperfect, uncertain world, most people are single and some more are married to the wrong people. Couples who found passionate, eternal love are a...
Keywords: single men, single women, single women, men after divorce
Read More3 Ways to Upgrade Your Romantic Relationship 2013-07-11 07:51:56
These days, we're redefining relationship conventions left and right. "Women want marriage with room for independence," says anthropologist Helen Fisher, Ph.D., author of Why Him? Why Her? Pursue a big career while your man stays home? Spend your money how...
Keywords: Romantic relationship, Helen fisher, upgrade your romantic relationship, Romantic relationship
Read MoreTen Best Things A Man Wants In A Woman 2013-07-11 07:51:56
When men talk candidly about women, they sound… well, they sound a little like us. Sex may have laid a hefty claim on the male brain, but it doesn’t seem to be relevant when it comes to what he’s really...
Keywords: lifestyle, Male brain, single women, Male brain
Read More5 Reasons why men cheat in a relationship 2014-10-22 09:04:09
Men are known to cheat their partners at some time or the other. Relationship experts have found several reason as to why men cheat. Many feel neglected and cheat their partner to spite her. Others are overconfident that their partners...
Keywords: why men cheat, relationship tips, relationship tips, men cheating relationship
Read MoreWhen she earn more! 2016-05-30 06:03:33
Traditionally, man is considered as the 'provider', earning most of the money in a relationship. But, now the gap between men and women's earnings is narrowing down. The men have come to terms with the reality that, now, women can...
Keywords: woman earn more, woman earn more, woman earn more, relationship and earning
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