Search Results On women at office

women at office

  • Legal rights for women, Lady thatcher, lady thatcher to be honoured with state funeral, Women at office

    Lady Thatcher to be honoured with State funeral 2011-12-08 15:25:26

    Margaret Thatcher is to be given the ultimate accolade of a State funeral when she reaches the end of her days – the first British Prime Minister since Winston Churchill to be afforded such an honour. But the possibility of...

    Keywords: Legal rights for women, Women officer india, women lifestyle india, Legal rights for women

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    hockey news, women hockey, kaushik absolved of charges, Women at office

    Kaushik absolved of charges 2011-04-20 07:43:54

    A Union sports ministry panel has absolved MK Kaushik, the then chief coach of the Indian women's hockey team, of allegations of sexual harassment by a player, but found him guilty of using "inappropriate language". India player Ranjitha Devi had...

    Keywords: women hockey, women hockey, women hockey, kaushik

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