Search Results On deregulation (Page 1 of 2)

deregulation (Page 1 of 2)

  • Women Activists, neomi rao parents, women activists write to senators opposing neomi rao s candidacy, Deregulation

    Women Activists Write to Senators Opposing Neomi Rao’s Candidacy 2019-02-05 05:25:38

    Expressing concerns about Indian American attorney Neomi Rao’s candidacy for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, a group of 54 South Asian women, including attorneys, professors, and human right activists, have written a letter to Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, and...

    Keywords: Indian American Neomi Rao, alan lefkowitz neomi rao, neomi rao dc circuit, Neomi Rao article in washington post

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    Jaipal Reddy, LPG cylinder, no diesel price decontrol reddy, Deregulation

    No diesel price decontrol: Reddy 2012-03-24 06:45:39

    Oil companies are currently losing Rs 14.73 a litre on diesel, Rs 30.10 a litre on kerosene and Rs 439.50 per 14.2-kg domestic LPG cylinder. For the full fiscal, they are projected to lose about Rs 1, 40,000 crore in...

    Keywords: LPG cylinder, LPG cylinder, cash subsidy, Jaipal Reddy

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    non-resident deposit rates, Non-resident (External) Rupee, indian banks hike rates to lure nri deposits, Deregulation

    Indian Banks Hike Rates to Lure NRI Deposits 2011-12-22 06:56:20

    Interest rates paid by Indian banks on NRE savings, term deposits and ordinary non-resident (NRO) savings accounts were deregulated by RBI. As stated by Central Bank, rates on non-resident deposits cannot go higher than the rates paid on term deposits...

    Keywords: mid-size private banks, Non-resident (External) Rupee, mid-size private banks, City Union Bank deregulation asset-liability committee

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    trump judicial nominees, Indian American neomi rao, trump to renominate 51 expired judicial nominees including neomi rao, Deregulation

    Trump to Renominate 51 Expired Judicial Nominees, Including Neomi Rao 2019-01-23 09:02:00

    President Donald Trump on Tuesday re-sent a list of 51 judicial nominees including an Indian American nominee Neomi Rao, who is under criticism for her earlier writings in which she to a certain extent blamed women victims of date-rape, describing...

    Keywords: Indian American neomi rao, neomi rao writings, judicial nominees, neomi rao writings

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    Health And Government Policy, the Age Endeavour Fellowship, please don t retire from your work, Deregulation

    Please don't retire from your work! 2013-05-18 10:56:32

    A new study has revealed the factor that retirement has a harmful impact on both mental and physical health over time, therefore they say: work longer, live healthier. Furthering with the aspects of the study which was obtained by the...

    Keywords: Institute of Economic Affairs, the Age Endeavour Fellowship, life after retirement, retired life

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    Iran, Petrol price, petrol price hike on its way jaipal reddy, Deregulation

    Petrol price hike on its way: Jaipal Reddy 2012-03-24 08:55:08

    "Petrol prices will be dealt with independently by our ministry. Before we instruct the oil companies, we have to take all matters into consideration," he said. He however, said that petrol prices will remain deregulated. Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister...

    Keywords: Iran, Iran, Iran, Iran

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