Search Results On pohela boishakh

pohela boishakh

  • Yugadi, Ugadi Festival, ugadi beginning of prosperous future, Pohela boishakh

    Ugadi - Beginning of prosperous future 2015-03-20 10:18:36

    Yugadi or Ugadi is the New Year's Day for the people of the Deccan region of India. The name Yugadi or Ugadi is derived from the Sanskrit words yuga (age) and ādi (beginning): "the beginning of a new age". While...

    Keywords: Manmadha Nama Samvatsaram, Ugadi Festival, Happy Ugadi, Happy Ugadi

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    Indian Communities, UAE, indians celebrated traditional new year in uae, Pohela boishakh

    Indians celebrated traditional New Year in UAE 2016-04-15 05:39:05

    Indian  expats belongs to various communities celebrated their traditional New Year on April 14 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). For instance, the  Malayali community celebrated  Vishu with  get-togethers, prayers and feasts while, the Bengali community celebrated Pôhela Boishakh with...

    Keywords: traditional New year, UAE, UAE, Pôhela Boishakh

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