Search Results On two wheeler (Page 1 of 2)

two wheeler (Page 1 of 2)

  • Srimatis' Pattu show reignites feminine elegance in silk, Srimatis' Pattu, symbiotic sari silk and women, Two wheeler

    Symbiotic Sari, Silk and Women 2013-09-26 06:34:00

    Women clad in pure silk (Pattu in Telugu) saris made a show off at Hyderabad in the event "Srimati Silk Mark 2013" organized by the Hyderabad Chapter of Silk Mark Organization of India.Women wearing silk saris of different colors dazzled...

    Keywords: Srimati Silk Mark, Srimatis' Pattu, Srimatis' Pattu show reignites feminine elegance in silk, Srimatis' Pattu

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    launched, Fazer, yamaha rolls out new version fz s, Two wheeler

    Yamaha rolls out new version FZ-S 2012-05-01 12:26:27

    Two wheeler major Yamaha Motors has rolled out new versions into the India market today. The new variants of FZ-S, FZ and Fazer are the new models that would be available in the market. The prices of these variants would...

    Keywords: Yamaha Motors, launched, launched, FZ-S

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    Yamaha Fascino, Yamaha Fascino, yamaha s new scooter fascino, Two wheeler

    Yamaha's New Scooter 'Fascino' 2015-05-08 10:48:15

    India Yamaha Motor today launched the Yamaha Fascino scooter. Sporting a “rich and class modern retro” design, the scooter is targeted at the Indian youth, which Yamaha says makes up over 50 percent of the population. Fascino stands for fashion...

    Keywords: Automobile, Yamaha Fascino, Yamaha, Yamaha

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    birthday party, Six drunk friends, woman raped by 6 drunk friends before husband, Two wheeler

    Woman raped by 6 drunk friends before husband 2012-04-07 11:13:12

    Yet another rape, by our own countrymen, what a shame! A 35-year old woman was gang raped by a group of perverts. According to the police, the victim and her husband was invited by one of their close friends for...

    Keywords: Six drunk friends, Six drunk friends, Six drunk friends, Six drunk friends

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    Auto exhibition, Auto event, auto show in nalgonda, Two wheeler

    Auto Show in Nalgonda 2012-03-17 09:25:46

    The automobile exhibition, Auto Show was formerly launched today by the Collector Mukeshwara Rao in Nalgonda. The Auto show exhibited in the Nagarjuna Government Degree College grounds will have participation from majors across the country. The auto show a maiden...

    Keywords: Mukeshwara Rao, Automobiles in Nalgonda., Auto exhibition, Nalgonda

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    C V Anand, 85 druken drivers, 85 held for drunken driving, Two wheeler

    85 held for drunken driving 2012-03-20 13:17:10

    As many as 85 drunken drivers were arrested and their vehicles were detained during the enforcement against drunken driving conducted between 10 pm and 1 am on the intervening nights of March 16 and 17. Additional commissioner of traffic police...

    Keywords: C V Anand, III Metropolitan Magistrate, Drunken driving, Drunken driving

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